May 21, 2012
Dear Friends, Today, I rose up early to go to my FIRST road show event in 2013. This year, my road show is another of my publishers, Lily & Eddy, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. But it is not just a regular CSR program. We want to invite as many as 5,000 students of Jakarta and the surrounding JABODETABEK areas to learn how to share and help other children in need. Thats why the theme is Children Helping Children- Color Your Life. If you want to know the detail of this program, please read my Bulletin-Infos article titled Didgits CSR: Children Helping Children- Color Your Life 2013. I felt honored that Sr. Francesco Marianti, OSU gave me the opportunity to jump start this event at Santa Ursula, Bumi Serpong Damais kindergarten and elementary school. Sr. Francesco did not only provide the venue and participants for this event, but also coordinated the teachers and students to prepare for it! I was very IMPRESSED to see how prepared my new kindergarten friends were. To begin with, they practiced how to color the first page of the book, and what to write to their friends around Indonesia! Isnt that great?! Then they brought little folded tables to be used for the coloring session. I was even more amazed when they came in and sat down in their hall, in a very orderly manner. I had never seen such well-behaved kindergarten friends before. They never stop to surprise me, though. My mind was blown away when they started to sing My Name is Didgit song! They look so happy and jolly when they sang it, and because they are already familiar with my song and my books (plenty are available in their schools library), Aunty Helen had no problem at all teaching them several cool dance moves to accompany the song. Seeing their big smiles are priceless! After Kak Nana, my story-teller, finished telling the first story from my series, my new friends and I took pictures together. I just love the way they hugged me and held my hand. Having friends who love you really feel so good! I wanted to stay longer, but there were two more sessions with the elementary students, so reluctantly I said good-bye to all of my lovely friends at Santa Ursula kindergarten. They started coloring, and I continued my sessions with their bigger brother and sisters... Yours truly, Didgit |