Mikrobot to Participate in Didgit Cobbleheart's Grand Launching
Dear Friends,
I am very proud to say that a cool educational robotic company such as Mikrobot is going to sponsor my Grand Launching Event on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at The Maestro, level 4, Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta from 10.00 AM to 03.00 PM.

The Mikrobot team and my team have designed three different kind of Didgit Cobbleheart's robots inspired by all the activties that will take place during the event. There will be a grand launching event robot, a one-of-a-kind and probably the first Dalang robot and soccer playing robots!

So come and visit us during the "Open for Public" time from 01.00 PM to 03.00PM. You can be a robotic dalang or a robotic soccer player!

Truly Yours,