Didgit CSR Color Your Life Participated in World Visions Event
Dear Friends...

From June 29-30, 2013, World Vision through its partner, Wahana Visi Indonesia, held an event at West Mall, Grand Indonesia Mall, titled Galeri SUARA (Seruan Aksi Anak & Remaja) Indonesia.

As the title suggested, the event intended to encourage as many children in Jakarta to be interested in various other cultures of Indonesia, as well as to make them realize the importance of their roles in advocating their participation rights.

The exhibition also showed several Indonesian traditional houses, from Sumatera to Papua. Also exhibited were writings and photos with the theme children as agents of change in society.

I felt honored to participate in this event for 2 hours on Sunday, June 30, 2013. I brought my Mencintai Laut Indonesia story and coloring books there, and in that short amount of time, around 60 children participated in coloring and writing messages for needy children. Looking forward to partner or work together with World Vision again in the future.

Truly Yours,
