Dear Friends,
The 33rd interactive comic strip for my Soul Snacks by Didgit have been uploaded to my Facebook and Twitter/ Twitpics accounts on Wednesday, August 14, 2013. The idea from this interactive comic strip comes from one of my favorite doctor, Aunty dr. Regina Karim. Aunty Reggy (thats how I called her) is very smart, and she often reminds me of the importance of being and staying healthy. Recently, Aunty Reggy told all of us the benefits of eating yoghurt. At first, I dislike the sour taste of yoghurt. But, after Vimna shares hers with mine, I begin to love it! Best of all, yoghurt keeps my tummy healthy and increase my imune system. Now, its harder for bacteria and virus to make me sick. Oh yes, eating yoghurt regularly also helps me study and play happily every day... So, remember to eat your yoghurt. And, if you like to tell cool story and have your own Soul Snacks by Didgit comic strip like this one, just write to me on my Facebooks account (Go to my web: and click the Facebooks icon on the lower right hand side) or my Twitter/ Twitpics account @cobbleheart. Soul Snacks by Didgit is a weekly interactive comic strip that will be available on my Facebook and Twitter/ Twitpics accounts every Wednesday! Stay tune for the next edition, or better, send me your ideas so you can show your friends your own comic strip! Truly Yours, Didgit |