The HEART Sheriffs Valentine Special Edition (Episode 2)
Dear Friends...
On January 30, 2014, The HEART Sheriff Valentine special edition comic, was uploaded on my Didgit Cobblehearts Online Game Facebook page.

After planning calculated attacks on Valentine day, the Pollution Monster executed the attack. The first two victims were Vimna and myself! Our Valentine Days preparations were instantly ruined. Do you want to know how the Pollution Monster attacked us? Read the comic.

Follow other future series of the HEART Sheriff by visiting the Facebook pages of Didgit Cobblehearts Online Game or Didgit Cobbleheart regularly. Oh yes, you can also follow @cobbleheart for so many Didgit Cobblehearts cool stuffs.

Play the game at the Apple and Google apps stores. Read the stories, and BE a wonderful HEART SHERIFF YOURSELF. Give out loves and make a better world for everyone...

Truly Yours,
