Didgits Third Animation Short Movie Behind the Stone Brick (LEGO)
Dear Friends...

On April 17, 2014, I launched my third animation short movie titled Behind the Stone Brick. Its inspired by the popular the LEGO Movie. My friends and I love to play and build things with LEGO. So, I think combining LEGO and my story is just a perfect match!

Behind the Stone Brick and my previous animation short movies are already available on my Didgit Cobblehearts YouTube channel,

If you want to directly watch Behind the Stone Brick, just copy paste this link for faster viewing:

You can also go to my Facebook page: Didgit Cobbleheart or follow my Twitter/ Twitpic page @cobbleheart to watch it. If you like it, kindly share the link to your family and friends so they can also enjoy it.

Truly Yours,